How to be an Illustrator

Cena: 666 Kč

Běžná cena: 740Kč

Dostupnost: Vyprodáno
Autor Darrel Rees
Konečně skutečně praktická pomoc pro ilustrátory na volné noze. Kniha vám vysvětlí, jak se vyhnout nástrahám, které mohou zničit vaši kariéru, poradí jak zapůsobit na klienta, vytvořit si dobré portfolio apod. Obsahuje i rozhovory s devíti věhlasnými ilustrátory.
This book explains how to avoid the pitfalls that can ruin a career, with advice on crucial first impressions, how to create a portfolio and approach clients, how to negotiate contracts, and how to handle, deliver and bill the first job. It discusses setting up a studio, maintaining a steady flow of work and managing time and money, and also provides information on successful self-promotion, self-publishing, and the pros and cons of agents. Packed with useful tips gleaned from the authors own career and his work as an agent handling major artists in the US and UK, the book includes interviews with nine big-name illustrators. The reader benefits from their experience of starting out; what they learnt or noticed during the metamorphosis from student to professional; what their expectations and experiences have been. In addition, art directors and commissioners describe how they like to be approached and the ways they really dislike.
  • Rok vydání 20080512
  • Jazyk eng
  • Počet stran 160

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