The Animation Bible

Cena: 801 Kč

Běžná cena: 890Kč

Dostupnost: Vyprodáno
Autor Maureen Furniss
Kniha se věnuje všem myslitelným animačním procesům a technikám, které vysvětluje a zkoumá možnosti jejich užití na příkladech. Obsahuje 750 ilustrací. Text v angličtině.

Over the last ten years, there has been a surge in the use of animation in various contexts, including animated entertainment, special effects for live-action media and a host of other fields, such as medical research. As animation expands beyond the confines of light entertainment, so also the growing number of animators and animation students must respond with not only the latest techniques in computer animation, but also with the vast wealth of non-digital techniques that continue to be used. The Animation Bible covers every conceivable animation process and technique, explaining and exploring their use through case studies of eminent and cutting-edge animators past and present. Illustrated with 750 colour images, the book also includes a series of applications exercises where students can put into practice the techniques they have just been reading about. In addition, students are taken through all the stages of making an animated film, from pre-production concepts and scripts to the debut screening and distribution of the finished animation.

  • Rok vydání 20080415
  • Jazyk eng
  • Počet stran 340

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