
Cena: 1 479 Kč

Dostupnost: Vyprodáno
Autor Adam Mornement
The vast majority of architects cut their teeth designing small-scale additions to private homes. Extensions can be added to roofs, gardens and underneath buildings or can even be strapped on to the sides. Following a brief introduction, the book is divided into chapters featuring 40 projects that extend spaces up, down, to the rear, to the side, on the roof, internally and outdoors. Each case study explains how the architects faced design challenges while at the same time meeting their clients needs. Details covered include choice of materials, planning issues, time and cost. The book also raises issues that clients ought to consider when commissioning an architect to design an extension, from developing a brief to the finished product. At the end of the book there is practical advice for anyone thinking about extending their own property.
  • Rok vydání 20071106
  • Jazyk eng
  • Počet stran 256

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